In this section the hardware connection type and its options can be configured. There are 3 different connection types.
Option | Value |
IP Address | The IP Address of the Gateway. The search button can be used to find gateways in the network, provided the gateway and the machine running CLS2Sim are in the same local network and not separated through NAT or other obstacles for UDP communication. After clicking the search button, a list of devices will appear. A doubleclick on the desired IP address will select it for use and close the search dialog. |
Port | The target port on the gateway. Port number 7235 is supported by all gateways, port number 7236 only by "E2CAN Gateway LC". |
![]() | For the serial port to work properly, the steps listed in "Configuring the virtual COM port" have to be done manually. |
Option | Value |
Serial Port | The serial port used for communicating with the Control Loading System. |
Option | Value |
USB Device | On opening the settings form or changing the PID number, the device list will be refreshed with the filtered collection of USB devices. Normally only one entry will be visible and selected. |
Option | Value |
Auto connect | If activated, on starting CLS2Sim, the application will after a 5 second delay automatically try to connect to the hardware. This sequence can be interrupted by pressing the ESC key. |
Auto init | If activated, the application will on a successful connection to the hardware automatically send an init sequence to the hardware after a 3 second delay. This sequence can be interrupted by pressing the ESC key. |
Upgrade to PDO Communication | If activated and communicating over ethernet with an E2CAN (MkII) Gateway, the application will transmit important data like position using newer and better communication techniques. This will allow faster transfer of position, etc. The update rate in CLS2Sim will no additionally show Process data updates per second. |
Reset Harwdare on Connect | If activated and communicating over ethernet with an E2CAN (MkII) Gateway, the application will reset all devices and 3 seconds before searching the bus. |
In this section the target simulation can be selected and the connection options can be configured.
Option | Value |
Use X-Plane Use MS Flight Simulator X / 2020 Use Prepar3D Emulate USB HID joystick | The simulation software to use the system with. "Emulate USB HID joystick" can only be selected when the vJoy driver is installed. It can be found in the subfolder "Virtual joystick driver" in the installation directory. When "Emulate USB HID joystick" is selected, the simulator part of the application will be deactivated and all control inputs will be sent to the USB joystick for use with third-party software. |
IP Address | The IP address of the machine running the simulation. If the simulation runs on the same machine as CLS2Sim, enter |
Autoconnect | If activated, the application will on a successful connection or initialization automatically try to connect to the simulation. This sequence can be interrupted by pressing the ESC key. |
Reconnect delay (s) | If autoconnect is active, this setting determines, how many seconds CLS2Sim will wait before attempting to connect or reconnect to the simulation |
Allowed latency (s) (X-Plane only) | This setting determines the number of seconds of inactivity X-Plane needs to have before the connection is considered lost. Disconnect when entering any setting menus in X-Plane is normal. However if you have disconnects during normal flight, increase this setting. |
Start Sim | Whether to start an executable on successful hardware connection. |
Wait until hardware is ready | If checked, the simulation will only be started after the hardware has finished initializing. |
Select Executable | Selects the path to an executable to start with "Start Sim". |
VJOY ID | If you have multiple virtual Joysticks, you can choose to which CLS2Sim sends data. In 99% of all cases, you can leave it at 1. |
Force map vJoy Axis to Pitch/Roll/Yaw/Coll regardless of selected Sim | Always send axis data to vJoy (if installed) even if the Sim doesn't need it. You can then map the vJoy axes in the simulation. |
In this section the remote control features of CLS2Sim can be configured. This is an advanced feature of CLS2Sim requiring the implementation of a third-party application. Understanding the "RemoteControl" protocol specification is a requirement for using this feature.
Option | Value |
Enabled | Enables the RemoteControl feature |
Message Identifier |
Enables the optional UInt32 message identifier field in protocol v2. Set a freely chosen value in each request, and the corresponding response will have the same value in its message identifier field. |
Low Level Control | Activates Low Level Control mode. This is a special operation mode which disables all functionality of CLS2Sim, routing control of all axes to external third-party applications. |
TCP Server Port | The TCP Server of RemoteControl will listen for incoming connections on this port. |
UDP Server Port | The UDP Server of RemoteControl will listen for incoming datagrams on this port. |
Send UDP Response back to Sender | If activated, sends all UDP responses back to the same IP and port, from which the corresponding commands were received. |
UDP Response IP | If "Send UDP Response back to Sender" is deactivated, the UDP response packets will be sent to this IP address. |
Port | If "Send UDP Response back to Sender" is deactivated, the UDP response packets will be sent to this port. |
When checked, in the general tab of the profile manager, suppressed actions are available.
Supported, when using X-Plane, Prepar3D, MSFS X and MSFS 2020.
This feature allows suppressing data normally sent to the simulation.
The main use of this feature is to disable sending axis position to problematic helicopter or plane models and instead transmit this data via vJoy.
Do as follows:
Go to suppressed actions in the general tab of the profile manager and disable all ACTION_AXIS_... actions (put them to the right list in the new dialog)
Close the suppressed actions actions dialog and then press Apply.
In the connection settings, activate the checkbox "Force map vJoy Axes...".
Close CLS2Sim, then restart your simulation, then restart CLS2Sim, in this order to clear all cached action configurations in the sim and CLS2Sim. (Need to do this when changing suppress action list.)
Now CLS2Sim can be connected to a simulation like X-Plane and read autopilot/trim/etc data while not writing the positions of the axes.
The axes themselves are transmitted via vJoy. Use this when a helicopter/plane can be controlled normally with generic USB controls (eg Logitech joystick), but not with CLS2Sim.
Dont forget to calibrate vJoy axes in your simulation.
When checked, the application will start with the main window hidden, showing only the system tray icon. By clicking the icon the window can be shown again.
When checked, the application will hide in system tray and vanish from the task bar when minimized.
When checked, the application will check if a new version is available for download and notify the user with a message dialog if that's the case.
When checked, the application will skip the login dialog when opening the profile cloud.
This can only happen if the password was stored locally (be checking the 'Save Password' checkbox in the login dialog).
This setting is mainly intended to allow users to deactivate the auto login again, after activating it in the login dialog.
©2025 Brunner Elektronik AG
CH-8335 Hittnau