CLS Profile Manager

  1. Overview
  2. General
  3. Effects
  4. Buttons
  5. Analog Inputs
  6. Axis Range settings
  7. Axis Force settings
  8. Autopilot
  9. Hydraulics
  10. Shutdown
  11. Trim
  12. Yoke Display
  13. vJoy Force Feedback
  14. Prosim


The CLS Profile Manager allows the user to manage System Profiles. These profiles manage how forces vary, both with speed and control displacement, button functionality, trim, autopilot and a number of other configurations and behaviours. Generally there will be one Profile per aircraft. However, they can be linked to multiple aircraft in the simulation. Separate links can be created for X-Plane, Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D, meaning that one profile can be linked to any of the three simulations. A profile must be selected and connected to a simulator before it can be edited.


On the left side of the window is the profile section. Profiles can be created, edited and deleted. Click on a profile to select it. Once it is highlighted (‘Default Profile' in the example) it can be removed, renamed or copied by pressing the buttons.

Add / Remove / Rename / Create copy

Add will prompt the user for a profile name and will create a new profile with it. All other Buttons will execute their actions on the currently selected profile.

Set to default values

The currently selected profile will be reset to its default values. If CLSP Yokes are connected, different configuration presets can be loaded by clicking on the arrow.

Link to current aircraft

Can only be activated when the yoke is connected to the simulator. The selected profile will be linked to the currently loaded aircraft and will be activated, when the aircraft is loaded. Links are bound to the current simulation. This allows linking of a profile to multiple simulators.

Delete link

Removes the link of the selected profile. Only the link to the current simulation will be deleted.

Set as preferred link

When multiple profiles are linked to the same aircraft, this will set the selected link as the preferred link, which will be activated, when the aircraft loads.

Configuration of the selected Profile

To the right side of the Profile window is the Configuration of the Selected Profile section. Position, autopilot and force information is displayed for each axis.

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General settings

Dynamic Force Calculation

Using IAS or TAS for control loading has both advantages and disadvantages.
IAS: Control loading will behave correctly across different altitudes, but on pitot pipe failure, control loading will also be lost.
TAS: Control loading will not take into account air density at altitude. No failure

Flight time

Count flight time when off the ground or speed greater than X knots.

The CLSE Yoke display can show the total flight time. This setting defines the minimum speed on ground to count flight time. Off ground flight time will always be counted. To display the flight time, go to the Yoke Display settings and set the left Sim value of the top or the bottom line to "FlightTime".

Special Rudder settings


When clicking on open, a window will show.


Standing still increases rudder friction

When checked, the rudder will show greater resistance to movement when the plane is standing still to simulate friction of the nosewheel turning in place.

Friction force

Defines a minimal force to move the rudder.

Lateral drift

Lateral drift affects rudder

When checked, the slip angle of the plane will affect the position of the rudder pedals. The slip angle will be approximated using engine thrust difference.

Rudder movement scaling (%)

The readings from thrust difference vary greatly between different aircraft. This slider allows adjustment of the strength of the effect.

Rudder boost

The rudder boost system assists the pilot when left and right thrust is out of sync, by applying force to the rudder pedals to help minimize slip stream.

Enable rudder boost pilot assistance system

If this setting is enabled and dataref "beh/systems/rudderboost/active" is set to 1, the rudder boost feature becomes active.
When connected to X-Plane, the thrust of each engine as well as the difference between them is shown in the window. the diagram can now be used to configure a reaction force of the rudder for a specific thrust difference.

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Yoke Physics

Yoke is pulled forward by Elevator weight

If Enabled, the weight of your elevator will pull the yoke forwards until they are raised by aerodynamic forces or the pilot.

Pull force %

Defines a percentage of the maximum possible force pulling the yoke forward. This should be adjusted by trial and error until it feels the correct weight.

Speed at which yoke starts to be affected by aerodynamic forces

Defines the speed in knots, at which aerodynamic forces begin to affect the yoke. The hardware will not follow this setting exactly, so some fine tuning is required.

Speed at which yoke gets pushed to middle pos by aerodynamic forces

Defines the speed at which the yoke will be fully centred by aerodynamic forces. The hardware will not follow this setting exactly, so some fine tuning is required.

On nosewheel aircraft, a symptom of the yoke not being pulled to its central position can be complete loss of control. This would emulate the situation in a real aircraft if the yoke were forcibly pushed forward during take-off. In tailwheel aircraft the pilot will normally hold the yoke back during the initial take of roll, but if he doesn’t there is a strong possibility of nose-over. It is recommended, therefore, to start with low numbers and to build up to get the right feel.

Yoke/Rudder is affected by prop wash

If Enabled, thrust from the engine(s) will move the elevator to the middle.

Elevator / Aileron / Rudder

Each Checkbox enables the prop wash effect for the particular axis.

Current engine thrust

Displays the thrust of the engine when connected to the simulation. If the plane has multiple engines the engine with the highest thrust will be displayed.

Idle engine thrust

Defines the minimal needed thrust needed at which the axes start to get affected. Use the "Current engine thrust" information above to determine this value.

Maxmimal engine thrust

Defines the engine thrust needed at which the axes should have reached the middle position. Use the "Current engine thrust" information above to determine this value.

Motor Vibration


If enabled, reality is enhanced by engine vibration simulated on the yoke.

% #force

The greater this setting, the stronger the vibration.

Ground Vibration


If enabled, ground vibration felt through the landing gear will be simulated on the yoke and/or pedals.

% Force Min

This is the percentage of the total available force which will be felt on a hard surface.

% Force Max

This is the percentage of the total available force which will be felt on a grass surface.

Use elevator, ailerons, pedal

Determines whether the simulated vibration should be felt through each control.

Take-off speed (knots)

Set this roughly to your take-off speed to optimized frequency-band for bumps.

Ground settings

Defines a factor for the overall bumpiness of the ground.



If enabled, the yoke will simulate turbulence on the aileron axis, if the simulation is set to simulate windy weather.

% Force min, max

Turbulence will change randomly between the min and max settings. Make the numbers the same for constant turbulence; increase the split for less predictable turbulence.

% Sensitivity

Defines the threshold for detecting turbulence. Greater sensitivity means getting a reaction from less wind.


Defines the "softness" of turbulence. Increasing the ramp will make turbulence more bumpy, decreasing it more rolling.

Force % Elev

Additionally scale turbulence force for elevator axis between 0 and 100% force.

Force % Ail

Additionally scale turbulence force for aileron axis between 0 and 100% force.

Force % Rud

Additionally scale turbulence force for rudder axis between 0 and 100% force.

Stick shaker


If enabled, the yoke will vibrate when the stall warning engages.

% Force

Defines a percentage for the strength of the vibration.

Use custom stall settings

Simulator stall information will be ignored and stall will be triggered when either the speed falls below or when the angle of attack exceeds the defined limit.

Min stall warning at speed

The speed threshold, where the stick shaker will activate. The vibration will be at minimm strength at this speed.

Max stall warning at speed

The speed, where the vibration will reach maximum strength.

Min stall warning at AOA(deg)

The angle of attack threshold, where the stick shaker will activate. The vibration will be at minimm strength at this angle of attack.

Max stall warning at AOA(deg)

The angle of attack, where the vibration will reach maximum strength.

Enable overspeed

If enabled, stick shaker will activate, when speed reaches the set overspeed.

Overspeed at

Defines the speed at which the stick shaker activates.

Vibrating axes

Allows the selection of axes to vibrate when stickshaker is active.

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Button mappings

The buttons on the yoke can be configured in a number of ways.
Where the desired option is available, it is usually better to use the options available in the drop down boxes in the CLS2Sim software. However, the range of options is considerably smaller than that offered by the simulator, and if the required option is not available, the button press can be “passed through” to the simulator, provided that the appropriate plug-in is installed.

These plug-ins are found in the CLS2Sim\Simulator plugin installers directory and they should be installed in the simulator in the normal way, according to the simulator’s manual.

To identify a button, press it with this tab open and the square next to the related drop down will go green. Select the desired action from the drop down.

If the desired option is not available, set it to Not bound / USB Button. With that setting, the button will behave like a button on a passive yoke and can be set within the simulator.

The checkbox to the right of the dropdown allows you to invert the button.
There are three different options to set the trim:
    Experiment with which of these methods is most successful; but it is likely that method 3 will be best and method 1 least responsive and realistic. However, using method 3 will leave the simulator “blind” to the yoke trim setting; you will effectively have two trim settings which know nothing about each other: These could, of course, work in opposition to each other.
  1. Select Not bound / USB Button in CLS2Sim and set trim up in the simulator
  2. Use the Trim – Elevator up (or down) in CLS2Sim; this uses software to adjust the trim.
  3. Use Trim HW – Elevator up (or down) in CLS2Sim; this uses hardware functionality in the yoke controller to adjust the trim. Note that if you want to reset the trim in this mode, you will have to set another button to Trim HW – Reset.

CLS-E Joystick Grip

If you have a CLS-E Joystick with a HOTAS or VIRPIL grip connected, you can change the grip (ONLY WHEN THE DEVICE IS UNPOWERED!) and then change this setting to reflect your new grip.
You need to powercycle the joystick again after changing this setting and restart CLS2Sim.

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Analog Inputs

This tab will only have any content if any analog inputs are present.

Analog inputs can be linked to simulation actions. Each input has an indicator to help locating the currently moving analog axis. The "Cfg" button opens a calibration dialog. An action can be selected from the dropdown. Calibration data will be saved together with other profile information on clicking "Apply".

Axis limits as well as center position can be calibrated here. This can be done using auto calibration, by setting the values manually, or by using the buttons to set current position.

Start auto calibration
Click this button and move the axis trough its full range and click the button again, to automatically set min and max positions.

Set current pos as min / Set current pos as max
Sets the current position as the min resp. max position. See the "Current pos (raw)" indicator at the top left, to the determine if to set min or max.

Set current pos as center
Sets the current position as center position. Can only be done, once min and max positions have been set.

Lower deadzone / Center deadzone / Upper deadzone
Deadzones in % Percent of the whole travel range can be set using these three values.

Reverse output
Reverses the calibrated output.

Calibrated output
Shows the calibrated output in numeric and bar form.

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Axis Range settings

In this section the range settings of each axis (pitch, yaw, roll, etc) can be configured. Each axis is independently configured and only those axes which are connected are shown.

Changes are applied to the yoke and simulator only when the Apply button is pressed.

Linearity Settings

They allow for the simulator’s reception of the amount of movement of the controls to bear a non-linear relationship with the actual control movement. In other words, when the control is moved a small amount from the axis, this could be perceived by the simulator as a large movement, but towards the extremes a similar movement might be perceived as a small movement.

Enable nonlinear output

When enabled, the translation of axis movement to control input to the simulation can be manipulated to achieve a nonlinear curve. The curve can either be exponential or defined by custom points.

Increase linearity with speed

When enabled, the curve will slowly shift to a linear one with increasing speed, reaching linearity at the defined speed.

Speed (knots) to reach linear output

Defines the speed at which the curve becomes linear.


If an axis is responding in the wrong direction, enable to reverse it.

% Move Limit and % Negative move Limit

Limits the axis to a certain percentage of its range. (Certain aircraft, such as the TBM700, have controls which only move through a limited arc.) If an axis can turn 90° in the when the move limit is set to 100%, then if the move limit is set to 50% the axis will only turn 45°

Two settings are available for the positive and negative side of the range. Normally these will be identical for roll and yaw, but could differ in pitch.

Linearize Axis

If you have set different move limits for positive and negative range, setting this checkbox will recalculate the shorter travel range to use the same incline as the longer range.
The center stays where it is.

This only works for:
The behavior is as shown here:
When disabled When enabled

Deadzone, Negative deadzone and center Deadzone

This deadzone refers to an area of equal force at the limits of travel of an axis. For the more traditional dead zone at the middle of the axis, see Backlash below.

This setting gives the user a deadzone at the end and the beginning of the axis.

It does not limit the travel range, only the value range. Thus if a control reaches its maximum effectiveness at 75% of its travel, and its effect is constant from that point on, set the deadzone to 75%.

Deadzone is in the positive sense, Negative deadzone in the negative sense. Normally these will be identical for roll and yaw, but could differ in pitch.

A common application might be wheel brakes, where maximum effectiveness is reached at, say, 80% of travel.


Normally, DON’T TOUCH! Defines Master-Slave settings for dual seat setups. This setting is only for certain special cases and should only be changed, if Brunner Elektronik AG Support tells you to.

Enable center deadzone

If this setting is active, a small range of movement in the middle of the axis meets little resistance and will not be sent to the simulator.

Backlash in % of range

Backlash occurs when, either because of original design or mechanical wear, the central portion of a control’s movement has no effect. This is common in older light aircraft and in some aircraft designed for hand flying in IFR. This sets the proportion of travel that is backlash/play. If the axis is trimmed, the backlash center position will travel with the trim.

Initial position enabled

When enabled the axis will move the the confuigured position after initialization or after connecting to the hardware.

Initial position (-100% - 100%)

Defines the initial position, the axis will move to after initializing or connecting.

Position offset (-100% - 100%)

Defines an offset, that will be added to the position of the axis.

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Axis Force settings

In this section the force settings of each axis (pitch, yaw, roll, etc) can be configured. Each axis is independently configured and only those axes which are connected are shown.

Changes are applied to the yoke and simulator only when the Apply button is pressed.

If settings cause the force applied to the yoke or pedals to exceed their maximum permitted, the system will enter Force Error Mode and will not reflect the values entered until the parameters return to their normal ranges for a few seconds.

The principle force settings are accessed by pressing the Force Settings Open button, see below for a full description.

Force Settings

Forces in CLS2Sim are controlled by deflection and speed; A Force curve defines force by deflection. This curve is then scale by a percentage value called "Force Scalefactor".
If the scale factor is 100 that means the curve is scaled to 100% and therefore unchanged.
This scalefactor is calculated using airspeed. And can be set in the second tab of the Force settings window.
If you do not want the force to change with airspeed, you gan go to the "Hydraulics" tab in the profile manager and check the checkbox for the axis you want to have static forces for.
In the numeric input below the checkbox you set the scale factor to use.

The force settings window opens from the Axis Forces tab, Force Settings Open button.

There is a separate window for each axis. Their settings are mutually independent (such that roll could be set very differently to pitch, if required) and they can all be opened at the same time, if desired.

In setting up the force in the three axes, it is worth noting that most aircraft designers aim to produce “harmonized” control forces which match our strength. It is generally agreed that a ratio of 1:2:4 in Roll:Pitch:Yaw gives the most comfortable feel, and therefore any aircraft you wish to simulate is likely to be somewhere close to those relative values.

The effect of any changes will only be felt when the Apply button on the Profile Manager window is pressed. This will apply any changes in the Profile Manager and any open Force Settings windows.

The Force Profile tab is concerned with the relationship between the amount of displacement of the control from a central position and the force applied. Thus, if the controls are well balanced and an equal amount of force needs to be applied for a desired output, the graph should be flat, whereas if the more the control is deflected the more force it exerts, the graph will be steeper. The leftmost value refers to the amount of force in the central position and the rightmost refers to the amount of force at full deflection.
The blue line shows the force profile without any scaling.
The orange dashed line shows the force profile as scaled by the force scale factor (visible in the profile manager in the info panel of the respective axis).
The orange dot shows the current position and force of the axis.

The Profile Mode checkbox is to be checked for axes, that vary their force at different positions. Normally this applies to the axes pitch, roll, yaw and brakes.

Once the Profile Mode checkbox is checked, put in a force requirement for each of the 9 equally spaced positions between zero and full control deflection. Intermediate values are calculated and the graph drawn between them.

Show internal units is the default setting, when no force conversion data exists for the current device and axis. Force units will be displayed in the device internal unit system and trial and error is required to get a correct feedback. When experimenting, keep the Indicated Airspeed constant, so as not to allow aerodynamic changes to change the force. Remember that you need to press Apply in the Profile Manager to feel the effects of the change. Show engineering units will be active by default, if CLS2Sim has force conversion data for the current device and axis. The force profile will be displayed in engineering units (Nm and N).

The Force Scale Factor tab is concerned with the relationship between force and Indicated Airspeed.

In all aircraft with manual controls, the stiffness of the controls increases as a function of the square of the airspeed, such that at the stall the controls are "sloppy" whereas at Vne they are very stiff and exert a lot of resistance. Aircraft with hydraulic, Fly by Wire and other assistance mechanisms may have some of that "feel" built into the system, but typically to a lesser degree, reducing the apparent effect of airspeed on the controls.

The diagram is used to set the relationship betweem airspeed and force scale factor.
The tab that is currently visible is the active mode of the curve.
In the shown example the diagram is set to use the custom curve. When standing still the force scale factor is around 100 and slowly increases until it reaches a value of around 600 at an airspeed of 200 knots.
With this system you can directly scale the curve according to airspeed.

Move Back

If enabled, and provided "Profile Mode" is activated for that axis (see below) the axis will emulate real aircraft controls by applying force to move to its center position.

Initial scale factor

When CLS2Sim connects to the hardware, this is the initial scale factor that will be set. This setting is only valid until connecting to the simulation.

Minimum scale factor

This setting defines the lower limit the force scale factor can reach, allowing a minimum force on the axis. An example for using this is to set a minimum feather force, when not using hydraulics.

G forces effect (%)

This setting defines, how strongly the plane downward force affects the forces of the elevator axis. A setting of 100% will increase the scale factor by 200 for each additional G working on the plane. This setting can only be set for elevator and yaw.

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This section determines both:


Defines the speed at which the autopilot tries to drive the hardware.


Defines the force the pilot has to apply to overpower the autopilot.

Trim to zero on disable

If enabled, the trim is centralized for that axis when the autopilot is deactivated.

Don't set Pos in AP Mode

In some simulations a feedback loop can develop whereby the autopilot feeds the controls, the controls fight back and the aircraft never becomes stable. If this happens, use this checkbox to stop the autopilot driving the controls.

%age of travel used by AP

Defines what percentage of the total axis range the autopilot will use.

Position Window

How big is the position window, where the Autopilot considers itself on target position.
1 = Full travel range, so AP will never move, 0.001 = 1 Promille of the complete travel range, so AP will try to position with very high precision.

Disable on overpower

When this option is enabled and the user applies more force to an axis than defined in the autopilot force setting, the autopilot will disengage. The dropdown selects whether the Flight Director also disengages.

Enhanced AP Mode

Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepar3D only. When this option is enabled the hardware autopilot will only engage on the elevator or aileron axis, when Altitude or Vertical speed, respectively Heading is activated.

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Enable Hydraulics

If enabled, the deflection force of the yoke will not be influenced by the speed of the aircraft, but will be a constant value.

Hydraulics Force

Defines the percentage of the deflection force required with the assistance of hydraulics.

Hydraulics Failure Force

Defines the percentage of the deflection force required when the hydraulics fail.

Use hydraulic system integrity data

Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepar3D only. When this option is enabled, CLS2Sim will observe the SimConnect variable "HYDRAULIC SYSTEM INTEGRITY" and interpolate from hydraulic force to hydraulic failure force based on the read percent value.

Hydraulic A B System

X-Plane only. Some bigger planes have an A/B hydraulic system. If the checkbox is activated and the maximum number is calibrated using the "Calibrate Max" button (CLS2Sim needs to be connected to X-Plane) the Hydraulic system now uses this data to set forces according the the X-Plane data.

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Determines the parking position, for each axis, when the simulation stops or the hardware is disconnected.

Do nothing

Ignore shut down action for this axis.


Shut down axis at whatever position it currently is.

Move to positive Limit

Move axis to positive limit, then shut it down.

Move to negative Limit

Move axis to negative limit, then shut it down.

Go to init position

Move axis to init position, then shut it down.

On Sim Disconnect

If defined, shutdown action will be performed after a sim disconnect

On Hardware Disconnect

If defined, shutdown action will be performed before hardware disconnect.

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Trim works on all enabled axes by changing the point in the axis where force is minimised. As discussed under Buttons above, there are three ways of achieving that, with the most realistic being in the hardware.

Check the Enable checkbox for trim functionality for each axis.

Velocity is the speed with which the trim moves. Generally, the slower it moves, the easier it is to set the trim accurately, but the slower to reach that position.

Movement %

For Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D only. If trim is in software mode (see Buttons section) this is a factor to control trim movement.

Use external trim

For Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D only. If enabled, the hardware trim of the axis will be disconnected from the simulation and can be controlled over Remote Control. For further information please read the Remote Control protocol specification.

Max positive/negative trim angle

When a motorized trim wheel is used, these values need to be specified. They define the trim tab deflection angle in degrees, when setting the trim to maximum and minimum value, respectively.

Trim compensation

When using X-Plane, if enabled, compensates elevator movement when trimming. If the pilot holds the yoke at a fixed position while trimming, the elevator will move much less.
For the solution with best results see the PlaneMaker entry in the Trim functionality section.

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Yoke Display

The Yoke display settings are for the specific Yoke Device GER1104 "CLSE Yoke". This yoke has a Liquid Crystal display, which allows for a fixed logo and 2 lines which can show user defined text.

This tab allows the user to define simulation values or custom text to be displayed on those lines.

Display Sim Values

If selected, the yoke will display up to two user defined simulation variables, such as altitude, speed or vertical speed.

Display custom text

If selected, the yoke will display user defined text. If the text is bigger than the width of the display, it will scroll.

Scrollspeed (ms)

Defines a scroll speed for text bigger than the display’s width.


Sets the display contrast.

Backlight ON

If checked, the backlight of the display will be turned on when connecting. It can still be toggled over the display buttons.

Flight timer reset

If the sim value "FlightTimerResettable" is selected as a display value, this button allows the reset of that timer. The timer will also be reset on exiting CLS2Sim.


A logo, created with the logo editor in the CLS2SIM tools menu, can be uploaded to the yoke.

The logo editor is found in the "Tools" menu in the main window.

To create the file, load the editor and use the simple tools on the left to draw the desired logo.

Note that basic geometric shapes, such as lines, rectangles, circles and arcs can be drawn with different line weights, and text can be added. The paint brush and eraser are intuitive. To create a black dot, left click, to clear it to white, right click the mouse. Use the select tool to move an area around the screen.

Once you have created the logo and text you require, save it using the save button.

Back in CLS2Sim in the yoke display tab, Select the file with the Browse button and click on the Upload Logo button. Use the Preview button, after uploading a Logo, it will be shown for a short duration.

If you are satisfied with the result, email the file to You will be returned an unlock code.

When you have the code, again select the file with the Browse button and click on the Upload Logo button. Enter the unlock code into the Password field. After that, a click on the Unlock Logo button will send the password to the yoke, unlocking it permanently.

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vJoy Force Feedback

When "DCS World" or "Emulate USB HID Joystick" is selected as simulation, this tab can be accessed.
vJoy is shown to any Sim as a Force Feedback device. Using this tab, if the sim sends Force Feedbck data, it can be routed to Brunner devices.

Enable FFB

If this checkbox is active, force feedback data will be routed to the connected Brunner device. (Pitch and Roll axes only for now.)

Amount of Force used (%)

How strong should the force be, in relation to the maximum available force of the device.

Current features

Currently, the only supported force feedback command is vibration.
Static forces are not supported.

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When Prosim is selected as simulation, this tab can be accessed.
If Prosim has a professional license with control loading addition, for pitch, roll and yaw axes, reporting of forces back to prosim can be activated. (Use Control Loaded Rudder/Stick)
When reporting of forces is active, the correct conversion factor must be measured with a strain gauge.

Use Control Loaded Rudder

If the user has Prosim 737 with a force feedback license and the rudder axis is connected to a Brunner drive and motor, this setting allows sending back force data to Prosim.

Rudder Force Correction Factor

As mechanical linkage may vary, after measuring the correct factor with a force gauge, this factor can be used to correct the force input.

©2024 Brunner Elektronik AG
CH-8335 Hittnau